About Lisa Major
About Lisa Major’s Academic & Counselling & Psychotherapy Qualifications
- Master of Arts Degree Counselling & Psychotherapy (Level 7)
- Post Graduate Diploma Counselling & Psychotherapy (Level 7)
- Certificate in Counselling Skills (Level 2)
- Master of Arts degree Journalism (Level 7)
- BA Hons History & Literature (Level 6)
My Journey with Counselling & Psychotherapy
My decision to train as a counsellor & psychotherapist was prompted by my own experience of having counselling & psychotherapy. It gave me the chance to ‘press pause’, reflect and establish meaningful purpose in my life. To feel genuinely ‘heard’ and accepted by another without judgement opened up a space inside me. It allowed my innermost thoughts and feelings to occupy that space. It helped me to ‘make room’ for myself away from the conditions and expectations of other people. It has helped me to find growthful ways of living which are unique to me and to hold healthy boundaries with other people.
I have had counselling with a few different therapists in my life. I understand what it feels like to be sat in the opposite chair. Some of those experiences have transformed my life in a positive way but some were not great. Harmful, unethical counselling can cause great damage. It is so important to make sure that you feel comfortable and safe with your counsellor and that your boundaries are respected.
I currently run Sentio Psychotherapy Practice where I aim to help people gain awareness into their lives and find more growthful ways of living. I hold warmth, empathy and positive regard for everybody I see. I practice in a culturally sensitive, ethical manner with the highest regard for my clients’ wellbeing. I am a fully qualified counsellor and psychotherapist and hold professional membership with the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society as an Accredited Registrant (www.nationalcounsellingsociety.org).
I have experience of counselling on a range of issues including grief, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, abuse, trauma, relationship breakdown. I continue to pursue a special clinical interest in narcissistic abuse.
My Background
Counselling & psychotherapy is a third or even fourth career path for me. My professional background is varied but has always involved some kind of guidance, help and teaching. It began after graduating with a degree in Literature & History in 1999. I initially worked as an English, History & Media teacher and broadcast radio journalist after gaining my Masters degree in Journalism. I have also worked in education recruitment & the health insurance sector as a Consultant for small to medium sized businesses.
About Lisa Major’s Clinical Interests in Counselling & Psychotherapy
I am currently undertaking an academic research project into the impact of narcissistic abuse in intimate partner relationships. There is limited understanding and a lack of research in counselling & psychotherapy into narcissistic abuse . My focus will be on developing therapeutic insights into how this type of abuse impacts a persons’ ‘self’ throughout the duration of an intimate relationship. If successful, I would like to expand my research on narcissistic abuse through a PhD.
Some key sources I refer to for developing my knowledge of narcissistic abuse are Shahida Arabi (www.selfcarehaven.org), Christine Louise de Canonville (www.narcissisticbehavior.net) and Sam Vaknin (https://samvak.tripod.com)..
A large part of evaluating therapeutic approaches to narcissistic abuse has involved research into the different types of trauma therapy. I have a special interest in developing my knowledge of trauma through the work of Bessel Van der Kolk (besselvanderkolk.com), Carolyn Spring (www.carolynspring.com) & Stephen Joseph (www.profstephenjoseph.com).
Professional Counselling & Psychotherapy Memberships
National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society
Association for the Development of the Person-Centred Approach
The Person Centred Association
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